Joy From A Stanger

Dear Ellie,
I am writing to thank Living Waters, Affirming You, and especially thank you, Ellie. The card that I received from you really made my week. I didn't know the joy one can have from getting a birthday card from a stranger. I was genuinely happy to receive the card from you. Thank you, you are a Saint. I am glad that you seem to have found your calling in life. It would be something that Jesus is proud of. You managed to brighten my days and my moment of darkness and for that I pray that you will receive all that you will ever need. I hope that you will always find joy in what you do. May your life be filled with happiness.
Also, you guys at Affirming You are awesome. I can't thank you enough for the amazing job you guys are doing. The cards that I received made me so happy and grateful that I plan on doing it for other people living under difficult circumstances once I get out. It's a great thing you guys are doing. I hope I can help one of these days. I will pray for health and happiness for everyone that is with the Affirming You program. The birthday card I received from you guys brought me joy I didn't imagine was possible. That's a miracle that you and Ellie did. Thank you very much.
God Bless,